Two New Porsche Books

Customer Feedback...and a Framed Poster

I love it when customers give me (positive) feedback about their purchases. Too often posters end up in another tube or flat file awaiting framing or just to be collected but in this case the customer wasted no time in framing his original "I too prefer Porsche" poster so he could enjoy it immediately.
Automotive Fiction Book Review - Deadly Driver by JK Kelly

An interesting niche I've inadvertently carved out for myself over the past several years has been automotive book reviewer. Not sure exactly how it happened but looking back I assume it was because most journalists prefer writing about driving cars versus the "geeky" stuff and I'm kind of the opposite. I just reviewed the thriller Deadly Driver for Porsche Club of America. If you find yourself in need of a high-octane literary ride into the world of espionage and Formula 1, consider the latest from author JK Kelly.
General Colin Powell and his Volvo Collection
General Colin Powell poster Volvo

I recently read about the passing of retired General Colin Powell. Doubtless, he performed a great public service to our country over the years. I also read about his predilection for vintage Volvos which I was unaware of. Over the years he had many and restored many himself with the exception of bodywork which he stated he wasn't adept at. I happen to also be a Volvo man myself currently and drive a Volvo station wagon. This got me thinking about if Volvo created any posters during the earlier years and it turned out they did including this 1940s piece:...
Moth Damaged 1959 Targa Florio Poster

This poster was a long-distance purchase that I saw only in pictures. If I had seen it in person, I would have noticed some sections were hanging on by a thread. By the time it got to me in a tube, those sections separated and some other pieces literally evaporated into dust. It didn't make sense to fully restore this example as nice ones can be found but it also seemed a shame just to roll it up and throw it back on a tube so I had my ace poster restorers Fourth Cone Restoration reassemble what was left and...