Dealing Exclusively in Original Vintage Posters* and Automobilia
Dealing Exclusively in Original Vintage Posters* and Automobilia
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Blog — General Colin Powell

General Colin Powell and his Volvo Collection

General Colin Powell poster Volvo

General Colin Powell and his Volvo Collection

I recently read about the passing of retired General Colin Powell. Doubtless, he performed a great public service to our country over the years. I also read about his predilection for vintage Volvos which I was unaware of. Over the years he had many and restored many himself with the exception of bodywork which he stated he wasn't adept at.  I happen to also be a Volvo man myself currently and drive a Volvo station wagon. This got me thinking about if Volvo created any posters during the earlier years and it turned out they did including this 1940s piece:...

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